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Virgo Monthly Horoscope - May 2024


24 August - 22 September

It's time to break out those vision boards! After meticulously weighing every possibility and crafting backup plans, you're poised to embark on a thrilling adventure. But before you take the plunge, it's essential to manifest your desires. I understand if you're more grounded in practicality and less inclined towards the mystical, but isn't there something empowering about vocalizing your intentions to the universe? This month's whirlwind astrology urges you to tap into your imagination, stepping away from pure logic. By the month's end, particularly with Jupiter's transition into Gemini on the 25th, setting the stage for a year of enhancing your public image, you'll be well on your way to success armed with a magical roadmap. In matters of love, the new moon in Taurus on the 7th infuses a gentle yet supportive energy, ideal for making future plans with your partner or setting intentions to attract your ideal mate. With life gearing up for a whirlwind of activity, having a solid support system in place becomes crucial, not just for the upcoming month but for the entire year ahead. Financially, you finally hit that elusive money milestone you've been chasing, thanks to the auspicious alignment of Venus and Jupiter on the 23rd. Now that you've achieved your savings goals, adjusted your investments, and expanded your client base, it's time to ponder your next steps toward financial growth and stability.

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