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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope - May 2024


23 October - 22 November

Throughout the past year, your personal growth has been intricately woven into the fabric of your closest relationships. You've experienced the highs of falling in love, making commitments, and reassessing your partnership priorities. May emerges as a time for celebrating the bonds that anchor you, whether it's commemorating an engagement, solidifying a business deal with your partner, or officiating your best friend's wedding. Raise a glass of champagne to these joyous occasions! Amidst the flurry of work events, social engagements, and errands, you find yourself busier than ever yet profoundly fulfilled. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, don't forget to carve out moments for rest, lest you risk burnout by month's end. In matters of the heart, May unfolds with unexpected twists and flirtatious encounters, leading to decisive moments of clarity. By the time Venus aligns harmoniously with Jupiter on the 23rd, any uncertainties regarding your partnership status will dissipate, even if the best course of action is to part ways amicably. Financially, May places a spotlight on your relationships of all kinds, including your rapport with money itself. This reaches its zenith during the full moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd, which prompts reflection on the progress (or lack thereof) towards the financial goals set during December's new moon. With Jupiter transitioning into Gemini on the 25th, prepare for a year of expansion in shared resources and financial growth.

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