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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope - April 2024


23 November - 20 December

Eclipses are like cosmic wild cards, stirring up powerful energies that often herald significant shifts and transformations—endings, beginnings, epiphanies, and revelations. Right now, Sagittarius, it's your relationships that are in the spotlight, undergoing a bit of a shake-up. But here's the thing to remember amidst the chaos: everything is happening for you, not to you. So, loosen your grip on any false attachments and embrace the present moment, knowing that the universe is guiding you toward your highest good. Trust that the silver lining will reveal itself in due time! In the midst of these celestial storms, April presents you with a golden opportunity to deepen your connection with yourself. Treat yourself to your favorite perfume, indulge in solo dates, and make time for the little luxuries that bring joy and sparkle to your life. As they say in the cosmic realm, everything looks, tastes, and feels better when you love and accept yourself fully. So, bask in your own glow and let your inner radiance illuminate the path ahead!

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