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Aries Monthly Horoscope - May 2024


21 March - 19 April

May swoops in as a soothing balm after the intense astrological rollercoaster of April, offering respite for your weary mind and body. However, with Mars dominating your sign all month, it's crucial to navigate carefully to avoid overheating. Engaging in simple pleasures such as cooking homemade meals, decluttering your surroundings, and exploring new hobbies may feel like luxuries, but they are essential for your well-being. Keep an eye out for a financial boost around the 18th or 23rd, which will not only impact your bank account but also trigger a shift in your money mindset. May is all about recognizing and affirming your true value. Repeat after me: "I am worthy of abundance." In matters of the heart, romance takes center stage with both Venus and Jupiter gracing sensual Taurus, igniting your desire to spoil your loved ones with tokens of affection. As Venus glides into Gemini on the 23rd, your focus shifts from material gestures to meaningful conversations. When it comes to finances, May prompts you to consider both your monetary resources and your self-esteem. The new moon in Taurus on the 7th encourages you to confidently seek a raise, but beware of impulsive spending urges. Before splurging, envision your financial goals six months down the line and proceed with prudence.

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